Here you will find a comprehensive list of the common issues you may have, and some of the checks you can carry out to keep your franking machine working.
We're here to help with your franking machine problems ... just call 0118 982 0988
As you may be aware, your Mailmark machine changes the visible date printed at 5pm every day, in line with requirements from the Royal Mail. When the clocks go back one hour weekend, your machine will require a download in order to ensure the time chip inside is updated to reflect the change. This action will be required on the Monday after every clock change, the October clock change is the most important in this instance. It is easily updated. Simply following the instructions below and the update will be completed within 2 minutes:
1. Ensure your machine is connected to the LAN.
2. Press the Recredit Button on your Quick Keys (image of coins).
3. Select > Credit (or press 2).
4. If the system asks for a PIN code, enter the code using the keypad and press [OK].
5. The Credit Screen is displayed.
6. Enter £0.00
7. Press [OK] – this will now connect you to the system.
8. The update will be applied and the connection will close.
Please note, you can do this at the same time as applying funds if you wish, but it is not required for completing the update.
Your Franking Machine will display ‘PSD Locked’ if the machine has not connected to the funding server within the specified date limit for the type of machine you have (7 days for Mailmark metered machines, 60 days for all other machines). To clear this message your machine must therefore connect and communicate to the Credifon funding server. This can be achieved by performing an “Audit Call” as follows;
If the Audit Call is unsuccessful please contact IMS Customer Support on 0118 982 0988
If your machine is displaying “Name resolution Failure” this means that the machine has not been successful in connecting to the funding or online services servers upon request. Please try the following;
If your machine has the wrong rates and is displaying old pricing, you will either need to download the new rates to the machine via a Generic Call or need to load the new rates via a rate update card and/or chip for your scales (Jet+ Series).
If you own a Jet+ range Franking Machine please contact IMS Support on 0118 982 0988
To order supplies or consumables for your franking machine please contact IMS support, or buy directly on the online store.
Should you need to add funds to your machine, the machine will need to connect to the funding server to download funds from your Credifon holding account.
If successful the machine will confirm the transaction and return to the Credit menu.
It is very unusual for a connection error to be caused by a machine fault, usually a connection error is caused by;
The first step in clearing any connection error is a full reboot of the system and checking the connections.
If you are still having problems connecting this may be due to a change or fault in your phone or computer network, please select your connection type below.
Most of this can be checked by plugging an analogue phone into the phone cable the franking machine uses and calling the number the machine uses (0906 3420342 for IJ machine, 0906 5775775 for IS machines) if you hear a “noise” this indicates the line is ok, if not there is a fault and you will need to connect your phone provider or person who is responsible for maintaining your phone systems.
Try another live internet socket / router or cable (standard network cable)
Manual Amount Entry
Royal Mail recently implemented a change to the franking scheme whereby all “Smart” machines will no longer have the option to manually enter a postage amount on the home screen, and for general use you will need to select a rate and weigh an item. There are times when it is necessary to enter a manual amount (mainly if you receive a letter requesting payment from Royal Mail), to do this;
The machine will automatically revert back to its standard mode when it goes to sleep.
“No Services”
This message is normal and relates to the postage rate selected
This message will be displayed if your machine is set to print a slogan or logo
This message will be displayed if your machine is set to print an external return address (ERA)
Most printing problems are caused by a dirty or faulty cartridge and with a few simple steps can be rectified without the aid of an engineer.
Step 1 – Menu Cartridge clean
Note – This is a very basic clean and you may need to do 2 to 3 to notice a difference.
If you are having any weighing issues (weight displayed without weighing an item or no weight when an item is weighed), generally this can be solved by resetting the scales, which can be done one of 2 ways.
Menu scale reset for IJ machines
On some larger machines you may have this option straight from the main home screen, which will be displayed as “Reset WP”
Menu scale reset for IS machines
Has this cleared the problem?
Well done, excellent news
Remove all power from the franking machine and scales is needed (by turning it off at the mains)
Your IS machine is designed to be connected via a LAN or internet connection, if you currently have it connected to a phone line and wish to change this to a LAN connection please follow the below steps.
Before you start, you may need to check with your IT team to see if you require any specific details to allow your machine access to your network, particularly a static IP address or Proxy Server settings.
Enter any settings needed ensuring that;
If the call fails check the details entered and retry, if it still fails please follow our “Connection Problems” FAQs. or call IMS Support on 0118 982 0988
The best way to select rates on your IS range franking machine is through the “Rate Wizard”, to access the “Rate Wizard”;
The “Rate Wizard” will ask 3 questions
For each question select the option required and press “OK” to move to the next screen, at the end the machine will show a summary of your selection, “OK” this screen, weigh then frank your item.